Field Crew 2023
Field Crew 2023

Post-Restoration Carbon Dynamics

The area now known as North Campus Open Space was a golf course for half a century before being restored in 2017-2018. What does this major land cover change mean for ecosystem carbon cycling? What is the pattern of changes in soil carbon as a result of the restoration, and what factors are responsible for these changes? How is climate change affecting this system?

Trevor at Sedgwick
Trevor at Sedgwick


Changes in stratospheric ozone levels, precipitation patterns, and plant canopy cover all have the potential to alter the rates of incident ultraviolet-B radiation reaching the Earth's surface. We are investigating the role of ultraviolet radiation exposure on surface decomposition of plant litter in arid and semi-arid environments where abiotic factors controlling decomposition may be as important or more important than biotic factors due to the low plant canopy cover and dry conditions of these regions.

Strawberry Field in Santa Barbara (stock photo)
Strawberry Field in Santa Barbara (stock photo)

Agricultural Systems

Human management of agricultural systems has important impacts on crop productivity, soil fertility, and ecosystem biogeochemical cycling. We are interested in understanding the effects of agricultural management practices on ecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas emissions.